
Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • A RAST test, or radioallergosorbent test, is a blood test that can be used to determine which allergens are causing a pet's allergies. This test is often performed as part of the workup for atopic dermatitis in dogs. The results of allergy testing are typically used to develop a hyposensitization plan for your dog, which helps desensitize your dog to allergens. Many dogs treated with hyposensitization, formulated on the basis of RAST results, experience a significant reduction in the signs of allergic dermatitis.

  • Observant, devoted, and lively, Ratties make great companions and family dogs. They love to play, but they want to be with you, so they suit families who want a friend and playmate.

  • Congratulations on the addition of a new puppy to your family! This handout provides general care advice for your puppy, including nutrition, play and chewing behavior, housetraining, socialization, nail trimming, and basic first aid.

  • While hunting is still his first love, the Redbone Coonhound is a laid back hound generally content to lounge around the house and yard.

  • Many dogs experience fear associated with veterinary visits. Once recognized, fear can be reduced with gentle handling techniques and structured behavior modification exercises such as desensitization and counterconditioning. Medications that reduce anxiety can be given before the visit, while full sedation may be needed for some fearful dogs or certain procedures. Over time, dogs can learn to cooperate in their care.

  • Despite the fact that early breeders developed the dog as a formidable hunter and defender of property, Rhodesian lovers stay with the breed because he is also a fine companion animal, intelligent, playful and affectionate.

  • A successful road trip with a dog begins long before the day of travel. If you have a small dog, teach him that his carrier is a great, everyday place to hang out. For larger dogs, there are several well-designed doggy seat belts for restraint in the back seat. Take your dog's medical documents with you and be sure your dog wears identification during travel. Consult your veterinarian to create the best travel plan for your dog if he does not travel well.

  • The Rottweiler is protective, but well-bred representatives are loving companions with a noble head, swaggering gait and the general air of a champion.

  • Roundworms are the most common gastrointestinal worm found in dogs and can also be transmitted to people. They are of most concern to puppies when present in large numbers, causing stunted growth, a pot-bellied appearance, and recurrent diarrhea. Diagnostic testing, treatment, and preventive measures are explained in this handout.

  • Routine fecal examinations are used to detect intestinal parasites in your dog. This handout discusses how the tests are done and why regular testing is critical to the health of your pet.